
Siber Güvenlik İstanbul Ağı

SiteMor transforms your website into a digital fortress, resilient against cyber threats. As a leading Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), we safeguard businesses using advanced technology and expert teams, offering robust protection for your critical digital assets.

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Zeek IPS is platform for network security monitoring. Flexible, open source, and powered by defenders.

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Greenbone OpenVAS Zaafiyet Taraması https://openvas.org

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Açık Kaynak Phishing Toolkit Gophish designed for pentesters and businesses to conduct phishing campaigns

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Suricata open source network analysis and threat detection software.

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In 1995, I started as a junior auditor in Deloitte&Touche/Istanbul. After my MBA, I worked as a consultant in Monitor Company focusing on telecommunication and retailing projects at their New York branch.While I was working at Monitor, I got an IT certificate in Internet Technologies from New York University. In June 2000, I started working for Koç Holding as the Business Development Manager. I managed the M&A deal of Apple Turkey for Koç Group. I established the first internet travel company in Turkey called Bookinturkey.

I was the leader of the first comprehensive e-transformation project in Turkey for the Koç group with Cisco. In 2002 I transferred to Tanı Marketing Corporation. Tanı is the first direct database marketing company in Turkey and has a unique customer base of 26 million customers. At Tanı I was the Operations& Planning Group Manager In 2004, I became the Business Development Manager for Arçelik Group. From 2005 to 2007 I worked as the Marketing Group Manager for Arçelik and managed 1 Billion TL budget.

 On July 2007, I started working as the Strategic Planning Director in Avea Communication Services Corporation. As the Strategic Planning Director I was responsible for the pricing of all tariffs,company strategies,and new business development. January 2009, I became Corporate Customer Segment and MVNO Director. Corporate Customer Segment Director is responsible for the corporate brand identity and advertisement, corporate tariffs and CRM activities of corporate customers. I established the first MVNO business model in Turkish telecommunication market and deployed Fenercell and GSMobile.

 I joined Veritas Media as the General Manager in 2011. I am the CMO of Vestel Trade Co since 2013 as the CMO of Vestel I was chosen the CMO of the year in 2016& 2017 by Capital Magazine. Since September 2018 additional to my marketing responsibilities I am also responsible for trade&retail marketing, outsource management of SDA products and sales of mobile products. He is the managing partner of TBS Investment and Management Company since December 2019

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